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Thursday, 5 July 2018

God Redemptor

I am not a hell-fire preacher, I am a preacher of Good News, somebody said "but brother the good news must be bad news before it is good news" that may have been said by some wise man of the past but it is not bible.

The bible is "God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world but that the world through Him might be saved"

God didn't send anybody into the world to condemn anybody. We have to get out of that 16th century mindset, we have to get back to the more biblical message of REDEMPTION.

The reason they preached that gloomy message in past centuries is because that is all the gospel they had, they could not preach healing in the atonement, deliverance, God an very present help in time of trouble, abundant provision, life evermore because they did not have those things, they did not know that these are the attendant blessings of the gospel, an integral part of the work of salvation.

They were not taught that so how could they know? and if they did not know, how could they announce it? ....the revelation has moved on beloved, we must keep up with what God is doing.

Does that mean there is no hell? no the wicked will be turned into hell but the more biblically correct message is that God will judge, every man and every woman, and He will judge with equity, His judgement will be perfectly fair.

But TODAY the sinner can be forgiven, washed clean, the most wicked man or woman can this very instant saved...miraculously changed in the inner person of their heart by the power of God.

Just call upon Him today, SEE for yourself if I am telling the truth, ask Him to clean you up, receive from Him new life, be born again. His peace will come upon you, you will be filled with joy. Dis cover Christ as your Redeemer, your Healer, your Lord.

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