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Thursday, 5 July 2018

God Redemptor

I am not a hell-fire preacher, I am a preacher of Good News, somebody said "but brother the good news must be bad news before it is good news" that may have been said by some wise man of the past but it is not bible.

The bible is "God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world but that the world through Him might be saved"

God didn't send anybody into the world to condemn anybody. We have to get out of that 16th century mindset, we have to get back to the more biblical message of REDEMPTION.

The reason they preached that gloomy message in past centuries is because that is all the gospel they had, they could not preach healing in the atonement, deliverance, God an very present help in time of trouble, abundant provision, life evermore because they did not have those things, they did not know that these are the attendant blessings of the gospel, an integral part of the work of salvation.

They were not taught that so how could they know? and if they did not know, how could they announce it? ....the revelation has moved on beloved, we must keep up with what God is doing.

Does that mean there is no hell? no the wicked will be turned into hell but the more biblically correct message is that God will judge, every man and every woman, and He will judge with equity, His judgement will be perfectly fair.

But TODAY the sinner can be forgiven, washed clean, the most wicked man or woman can this very instant saved...miraculously changed in the inner person of their heart by the power of God.

Just call upon Him today, SEE for yourself if I am telling the truth, ask Him to clean you up, receive from Him new life, be born again. His peace will come upon you, you will be filled with joy. Dis cover Christ as your Redeemer, your Healer, your Lord.

Monday, 4 June 2018

Are you in prison? Jesus will set you free

Your prison may be a real cell with iron bars or you may be in a different kind of prison, you might be bound by an evil malicious spirit, your heart cruel, filled with hate.

You might have murdered, raped, brutalised.

Jesus Christ can enlighten your soul and set you free forever, in an instant. God can pour His love into your heart with the Holy Spirit, He wants to.

Call upon Him now, SEE if what I am telling you is true, ask Him to set you free, save you, that's what you need.

Your prison might be imposed upon you by somebody else, held fast by fear, you are a victim.

Listen, Jesus was a Victim before you were a victim, He was a Prisoner, condemned to die, He DID die...He did it on YOUR behalf, He died for that you don't have to.

Walk out of your prison right now calling upon Him. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved, no ifs no buts, no doubt about it. Receive Him as your Lord.

Billions have put their faith in Him down through the century and will testify to you that He saves, He heals and He delivers.

Now it's YOUR turn to prove Him, now it is YOUR time. 

Friday, 6 April 2018

I have seen the Lord

When I was a child I saw Him, I saw His glory, His eyes are deep pools of fire. When He looks at you, you want to flee but you do not so much as blink, when He looks away your heart yearns with great longing to look once more into those eyes of love.

I saw His hands and His feet, the crown of thorns, the stripes on His back. His shekinah was as the noonday sun.

I walked along the beach with Him, He spoke many things, about His Father's sheep gone astray, more in number than the sand of the seashore, about His Father's house of many mansions, about His rejection by men.

About His coming again in the clouds of heaven, many personal things.

On His first coming among men we see Him as On to whom the people resorted to in crowds, they came pushing and shoving, seeking to touch Him, they came to Him with their deepest needs.

He never turned anybody away who came to Him honestly. He forgave their sins and healed all who had need of healing, He provided their every need, even by miracles.

He will not turn YOU away, He will answer YOUR prayer if you will be sincere.

Say this to Him

Lord Jesus I come to You now, like they came in the bible, I am seeking pardon for all my sins, grant me to receive a new clean heart, a new life. To be born anew.

I receive You into my heart and life as my only Lord and Saviour.

Heal me in my mind and in my spirit and in my body, be to me an ever present help in my time of need as You have promised. I thank You. Amen.

Tuesday, 13 March 2018

The T.L.Osborn files

Say this to God
Oh Lord Jesus...I need You
help me to understand that You did bear away my sins on the cross
grant to me a new clean heart
help me to understand that You bore my sicknesses and diseases on the cross
grant for me to be well again
You were chastised that I might have peace
You were slain that I might live
I receive you into my heart and life
As my only Lord and Saviour.
Thank You. amen

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